bDownload the sixth grade supply list

Bridge Creek Middle School Sixth Grade Supply List

Supplies to be turned into the teacher- Supplies to be in the student’s care and replaced if damaged, or consumed. * The quantity of paper and pencils is an estimate of supplies to be used during the year. Excess can be kept at home or in student’s locker and placed in binder as consumed.

Attention 8th Graders!

Free College for Students!!

Oklahoma’s Promise (formerly called OHLAP) is a scholarship program designed to help students whose family income is $50,000 or less get a college education. Students must apply during their 8th, 9th or 10th grade year.

Benefits:Once you have completed the requirements, Oklahoma’s Promise will pay your tuition at an Oklahoma 2-year college, 4-year University or for courses offered at a public technology center. For more details, requirements, and applications please call your school counselor or check out the website at