Spanish Club

What is Spanish Club?
Spanish Club is, basically, every Spanish class getting together and going on field trips to learn more about the Spanish culture, whether it be going to a Spanish speaking play or one of the shows of Spanish Southern and Central American dancing. It is a great way to get out of the classroom and have fun learning more about the Spanish culture. The Spanish Club is run by Mrs. Werning.
Who can join?
If you are in any Spanish class at all you can automatically be in the Spanish Club. You also might be able to join if you are a former Spanish student and if there is enough room for extra people on the buses.
How do you join?
All you have to do to join is to pay your dues, which are $15 this year for Spanish 1 and 2 students. Dues cover your entry into the club and allow you, along with proper eligibility, to join on the field trips.
What's planned?
There is going to be one field trip per semester, per class group; there will be a seperate field trip for Spanish 1 and 2 students.
2nd semester plans
The second semester plans are still being carefully considered.
Thiss is by Christopher bashant