English IV

Mrs. Autry

What We Are Doing Now


Textbooks: Prentice Hall Literature, English Literature; The Writer's Craft, McDougal-Littell

Purpose of the Class:

English IV contains a variety of literature appropriate to the interests and needs of twelfth grade students. The class is a chronological survey of cultural attitudes and customs of the British throughout history. The course also provides insight into and knowledge of major historical events, authors, and genres of literature.

Class Behavior

The following are behaviors that are expected in this classroom. If the student chooses not to follow these behaviors, he or she will accept the consequences of that choice. Thank you Mrs. Autry, English IV, AP English, and Humanities.

  1. Tardy Policy: Please be in your seat when the tardy bell rings with all the materials needed to participate in class. You must be seated when the tardy bell rings.

  2. Late Work Policy: Work is due the day assigned. If you are not absent and turn in work one day late, it is worth sixty points.
  3. Pen, Paper, and Book: If you ask to borrow any of these items from the teacher, 5 points will be deducted from your daily grade. You are responsible for coming to class prepared.
  4. Be kind to each other and to the teacher.
  5. Food and drinks are not allowed in this classroom.
  6. Do not talk while the teacher is talking.
  7. Make-up, hair spray and perfume taken out and used in this classroom will be taken by the teacher and not returned.
  8. Do not leave your desk without permission.
  9. Cell Phone Policy: If your cell phone goes off in my room, I will take it and turn it in to the office. If I see your cell phone, I will take it and turn it into the office.
  10. Hall Pass Policy: You will be given three hall passes per semester. Use them wisely. If you ask to leave the room for any reason, unless the teacher considers it an emergency, after you have used your hall passes, you will serve ten minutes detention with the teacher before or after school.
  11. Sleep Policy: There is no sleeping allowed in this classroom. If you sleep, you will be given a zero (0) for the day's work.


NO SPIRAL PAPER! If you turn in work on spiral paper, it will be re-done!

What We Are Doing Now

March is here, and Senior English is exiting the gloom of the winter months. Spring, softball, baseball, track and Shakespeare are in the air. Hamlet is speaking of his eternal question, “To be, or not to be…”, and students are making life changing decisions of their own. In just a few short weeks, each Senior will be embarking upon a new future with every possibility available as an option. They are writing down thoughts, hopes and dreams. Classes will begin to intensify as the excitement of graduation nears.