Syllabus Information

Dear Parents and Students,

The 2008 / 2009 school year is not that far away. I’m looking forward to new and exciting art projects to share with my students. Next year I plan on concentrating much more on drawing from life than I have in the past. Drawing is an important skill that will help any person throughout his or her life. A few good examples of this is when planning to build a new home, designing your personal landscape, designing jewelry or any other number of reasons. If you have basic drawing skills, you are better able to communicate your ideas with the people who are helping you. I also plan on introducing new styles of painting. Longer units with more practice will allow our students to develop their talents. The curriculum will be based on Priority Academic Student Skills set in place by the Oklahoma State Department of Education. Many new projects will be on the syllabus along with some old favorites. The curriculum is changed each year to accommodate our students who take art for more than one year. It is my goal to keep the projects fun, educational and exciting. Because the curriculum for a nine-month class of art projects is long, involved and detailed, and the budget for the department has not yet been set, a complete curriculum is not available at this time. Check back in August for a complete guide for the 2008 / 2009 art projects and supply list.

If you have any questions, please contact me through Bridge Creek High School. Be safe and have a good summer,

Best Regards,

Tim Rose
National Board Certified Teacher EAYA/Art

If you have questions for Mr. Rose, the art teacher, please feel free to contact him by school phone, 405-387-3981. For a faster response to casual questions please e-mail Mr. Rose at

Pictures from the April 25th, 2008 Feild Trip