Anatomy is a rigorous honors level course and you will be held to high expectations and mature responsibilities as we explore the course objectives.
I view this course as a team effort. While each person needs to complete and hand in their own work, study groups and cooperative effort are strongly encouraged. You never learn something
Butler, Jackie L., Lewis, Ricki, Shier, David, N. Hole’s Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 9th edition. USA: McGraw-Hill, 2006. Online Learning Center: Textbook website offers study tools for every chapter
Summative 60% - (Tests, Formal Lab Reports, Quarterly Notebook Grades, Projects) Formative 40% - (Daily Participation, Homework, Quizzes, Weekly Grades, Informal Labs)
Class Grade – 88% (44% for each quarter per semester) Semester Final Exam – 12%
Format: Usually made up of 60 multiple choice test questions, and a written component that is made up of essay questions and diagrams to label. For shorter units, the amount of questions may change.
Daily assignments - You can turn in daily assignments one day late for 60% credit. Projects and Quarterly Notebook grades – 15% will be deducted each day it is late
Attendance will directly reflect your learning in this class. If an absence is unavoidable, you are expected to turn in any assignments that were due that day and make up any labs, quizzes or tests the day of your return. If you miss a lab, you need to arrange time to make up the lab, either before school, during lunch, or after school due to the availability of perishable materials.
I am always available for extra help during the week. Please arrange a time with me, either before school, during lunch, or after school. Come prepared with specific questions, problems, or labs.